
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Interesting Day

Today at church, the congregation got official word that our pastor is leaving. He feels called to start a church in Russia. This got me thinking about life in general. Life, for the most part, is comfortable. We live our lives while trying to do the least to move from our current position. It's scary to do something new. It's inconvenient. Sometimes it hurts. The outcomes of those tough decisions, however, often reap great rewards. When God calls us to these changes, the rewards are unmeasurable.

I have noticed great times in my life where I have been prompted by God to change. When I hear and respond to His promptings, I am greatly rewarded. When I decided to date again after a long time of being bitter towards women, I was rewarded with my beautiful wife. When I was prompted to move to Orlando, I was blessed with a great job and a nice home. I did not want to move out of my comfort zone in these situations. The world of unknown is such a scary place, but these recent events with our pastor leaving has stirred  up new interest in the topic of change.

Why are we so afraid of change? Most of the time, change is a great thing. It grows us as human beings, it advances our career, increases our knowledge, or gets us closer to God. I know why we are so afraid of change. Complacence is the Devil's greatest ally. If we don't make a difference in the world, who will? There will be no revolutions or journeys of self discovery. No growth. How can we live this way! We can't. That's why I'm so glad God is reminding me today to never stay still. We don't want to move backward, but standing still is just as bad. Now I just need to find out what direction God wants me to go tomorrow.

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